Interview mit Miloš Hronec

Miloš habe ich vor einiger Zeit auf Instagram entdeckt. Seine besondere Bildsprache fiel mir auf, weil er, wie auch ich, verschiedenste Techniken miteinander kombiniert. Seine unglaubliche kreative Energie hat mich begeistert und so habe ich Ihne gebeten, etwas mehr über sich zu erzählen. Denn ich wollte wissen, wer der Mensch hinter diesen Bildern ist.

In seiner Biografie steht folgendes:

"Miloš Hronec ist ein Maler, der sein Werk international ausgestellt hat. Seine Arbeit ist eng mit persönlichen Erfahrungen, Gefühlen und Wahrnehmungen der Welt verbunden und fungiert oft als Aufzeichnung der jungen Generation, zu der er gehört. Hronec präsentiert Materialismus, Konsumismus und Luxus neben Verletzlichkeit, Bedeutungslosigkeit und äußerster Bestimmtheit, was zu einem vielschichtigen Werk voller Tiefe und Verspieltheit führt."

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Bilder (unbedingt auch auf seiner Instagram-Seite!) und beim Lesen des Interviews.


Name: Miloš Hronec Alter: 31 Ausbildung: Autodidakt Wohnort: Slowakei, Bratislava



What is your biggest inspiration?

Themes can be found in everything around. There are various phases, I am often inspired by the world around me, rap and alternative culture, comics and design. During the latest period I work with topics that directly concern me. Whether it's personal feelings or people and objects that immediately surround me.

How did you find to art?

Art has always been close to me. I liked unusual movies and music. I have been drawing since I was a child, I have been writing prose since I was about twelve, later I entered art high school, in the meantime I experimented with music, video, graffiti and street art. I always thought that I would mainly write, but at the age of 25 I understood that painting is closest to me and I started to develop the most in it.

How would you describe your artistic style?

So far, I balance between painting inspired by comics, design and expressive figurative painting. I'm trying to find the right balance, but it will probably take some time before I can do it.

Are you a full-time artist?

Almost. In addition, I also do occasional graphic orders such as illustrations and drawings of comics.

What does art mean for you?

Need. I watch it every day, I think about it and I do it almost every day.

What do you like most about your work?

This is a difficult question for me. As much as I can like my eoks, I can be disgusted. I always like the work I just finished and I consider it the best. In a week, I'm thinkink about rubbing it.

But otherwise I probably like the very spontaneity, which in some form is more or less always there.

Do you sell your artwork? And where?

You can find my work on the Saatchi art or Singulart website. Some prints are also in stone stores or on Etsy.

Do you have an exhibition at the moment?

I am not exhibiting at the moment. In fact, I often sidetrack it, because I have not yet created a series that I can exhibit without remorse and stand behind it. I will see what the near future brings.

Whats the biggest challenge for your as artist?

To overcome myself. But it is also a challenge in civilian life.